It is now generally accepted that our way of working has changed forever. We have to work from home during the lockdown, and even afterwards the “new normal” will look different from what we have been used to. Many of us spend hours in Zoom / Webex / Skype meetings every day – many of these can be ineffective, unengaging, and just plain boring, if not conducted correctly.
So, how can we make online meetings more effective and engaging?
This course will provide practical tips based on real-life experience to help you to run your online meetings more productively, while minimizing the amount of work you do.
Objectives of this course:
· Discuss key challenges we face today with online meetings
· Discover the right software suites to use, and the right strategies for introducing them
· Learn how to use them, and practice using them
This course will cover the use of digital tools and techniques to improve your online meetings

Making the Best Use of the Digital Box
What software/apps do we use during the meeting and how?
1. Hosting Digital Meetings
a. Discover the available software solutions available today, their pros and cons, their functionality, and their relevance to your meetings
b. Making effective use of video and audio during your meetings
c. Using integrated functions to drive your meetings: seeking feedback during meetings, facilitating participation by team members, generating meeting minutes, etc.
d. Securing your online meeting against cyberattacks and digital threats
2. Collaborating virtually
a. Different tools that can be used to collaborate in different ways, e.g. virtual whiteboards, team brainstorming spaces, mindmappers, etc.
b. Post-collaboration: assessing generated ideas and achieving group consensus
3. Communicating effectively
a. Seeking feedback during a meeting
b. Collaborating in large and small groups comprised of different personalities
c. Integrating multiple communication channels for effective messaging (e.g. Whatsapp as a parallel channel)
Using the Right Techniques to Ensure an Effective Meeting
What do we do in order to ensure our meetings are productive?
· Coordinating schedules with multiple team members
· Managing pace of delivery throughout the discussion
· Facilitating effective discussion and co-creation
· Documenting actions during the meeting with minimum work.
Course Details
Who should attend: All staff within an organisation – managers, team leaders, executives, assistants, officers, secretaries, etc.
Duration: 1 Day (08:30 to 17:00)
Group size: 10 – 20
How do we deliver this course?
This course will be online and interactive, and we will make use of group discussions, engaging and practical activities, quizzes and presentations. As such, it will appeal to all the different learning styles – theorist, pragmatist, activist, reflector.
Your organisation will save time and money not just during this crisis but for the long term as our working lives will change forever.
Benefits for you and your team:
· Enhanced innovation and creativity through improved participation and engagement
· Higher efficiency by running shorter meetings
· Minimize work you do, and yet deliver high quality work
· Improved morale through enhancing participants’ confidence and self-esteem.
About Pioneer Consulting Asia-Pacific Pioneer Consulting Asia-Pacific is an international management consultancy that specializes in telecoms, media, & digital. We work in developed and developing markets in Asia-Pacific. Our team comprises consultants and industry experts, and our work includes developing business strategies, performance improvement and implementation support.
For more information, please contact us at info@pioneerconsulting.com