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Asian Innovations in Customer Engagement in Short Form Video and Live Streaming


Today’s consumers have extremely short attention spans, preferring to consume content in short bursts or in dribs and drabs. To capture this consumer segment, many platforms specialising in short-form video have emerged to offer a different type of content viewing experience. The content genres offered by such platforms naturally differs as well – content creators looking to capitalise on this trend must be aware of the different genres demanded, and emerging innovations especially in Asia.


How can we effectively capture audiences’ attention in the short-form video market, and turn these audiences into a sustainable revenue stream?


This report explores the trends and developments in the short-form video market, including blockchain, and examines the differences in content availability / genres and audience base amongst several leading short-form video platforms.


We focus on the following key areas:

  • Identifying key engagement drivers: highlighting top short-form content genres that are securing the most ‘eyeball time’

  • Evaluating monetisation potential of short-form UGC through blockchain propositions

  • Studying the transformation of a mundane, everyday news app into a major force in the short-form video arena, and how this has improved user engagement

  • Examining the hype around streamer-fan interaction via live streaming and identifying opportunities for monetisation

  • Surveying the current competitive landscape surrounding short-form video and up-and-coming big players

Table of Contents

1. Global trends and developments in short-form videos and live streaming

2. Selected Case Studies:

  • Key features and content offered by TikTok, Hypstar, and Watermelon

  • The transformation of Toutiao

  • Monetising UGC: Ficto in the US


3. The strategies of multi-channel networks: XinPianChang and Papitube

  • The live streaming scene

  • Top monetization drivers

  • Case study: Huya and fan-streamer interaction

  • Bilibili and subscriptions as a monetisation model for live streaming platforms



We are still adding to this report – get in touch with us to see what’s new!

Illustrative Output


We have included a short excerpt from this report as a sample. Content included here is intended for demonstration purposes only, and is not an exhaustive representation of the entire report.

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